PRO-Diary User Guide 1.2.1 10/02/15
For example: “What activity are you doing right now?” with a list of 20-30 activity
types to select from.
The Diary will display the question along with part of the list and a scrollbar to
indicate the user can scroll up or down the list by dragging their finger on the
slider. They may also hold their finger at either end for a period to scroll
continuously. This interface makes it much easier to present a larger number of
options, but is a little more complex for simple questions. It cannot be combined
with the large text setup option, as the screen of the Diary is not large enough.
Free Text
For example: “What did you just eat?” with the ability to type in any text as an
This is much slower to input than any other question type, but may be invaluable
if you really need to capture any possible answer to a single question.
The Diary will present the question along with a compressed alphabet. To select
a letter, place your finger approximately under that letter. The alphabet will begin
zooming in. Keep ‘steering’ your finger onto the correct letter as it zooms. Once
a box appears around the letter, you can release your finger and the letter will be
added to your answer. If you become confused when zooming in, simply release
your finger early to cancel. If you do enter an incorrect letter then simply select
the symbol to the left of the main alphabet, ‘DEL’, to delete the previous letter.
Because the free text entry is considerably slower and more difficult to operate
than other question types, you should only use it if necessary and if you believe
your target population will be comfortable with it. You will need to demonstrate
the free text entry to users before they can operate it.