Actiheart Guide to Getting Started 5.1.11 (Feb 2020)
but we do not consider them sensitive or specific enough for any diagnostic use.
Using an Actiheart 5, IBI Mode.
Step Test:
Designed for individual calibration of Energy Expenditure using any
Actiheart, by leading the Actiheart wearer through an 8 minute step test of
steadily increasing intensity while capturing movement and heart rate. Using an
Actiheart 5, Full Waveform Mode.
Daily EE:
Designed for a simple measurement of Energy Expenditure during
daily living without too many complex options. Makes use of heart rate and
activity data. Using an Actiheart 5, IBI Mode.
Advanced EE:
Designed for more flexible measurement of Energy Expenditure
and including many more options for individual calibration adjustment and
breakdown of the branched model. Makes use of heart rate and activity data.
Using an Actiheart 5, IBI Mode.
Exercise Test:
Designed as a more flexible variant of the step test, this analysis
window allows specific periods to be marked on a short higher resolution
recording and tabulated measurements made of those periods for comparison
and ultimately manual calculation of EE calibrations. Due to the lack of rigid
specific intent, this cannot be done automatically. Using an Actiheart 5, Full
Waveform Mode.