SSeerrvviicciinngg PPrroocceedduurree –– TToo bbee ppeerrffoorrm
meedd bbyy aa qquuaalliiffiieedd ggaass tteecchhnniicciiaann
1) Perform full clean as detailed on page 4
2) Perform leak test on control valve and all gas joints from regulator to main burner and ODS.
3) Ignite unit and ensure flame picture is correct, see below
A flame picture as shown on
maaggee 22 oonn ppaaggee 22
incomplete combustion.
Repeat cleaning of the main burner and primary air inlet.
Check regulator pressure to ensure correct pressure is
being supplied 28-30mbar.
4) Ensure heater is being used in a room no smaller that
64 cubic metres and with permanent ventilation directly
from the outside into the room of 80cm squared area.