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P a g e
Power-‐up Sequence
Upon start up, the controller will run through a diagnostic start-‐up and the sequence will be as follows on the
colour LCD:-‐
The unit will “bleep” 3 times in quick succession upon plugging in to a power supply.
A blank white screen will appear with a black square progress display running along the bottom of the screen. This
is the controller running through the diagnostic start-‐up sequence and will last for approx 60 seconds. The
controller checks for the installation of any optional modules that may be installed on the system. It first checks to
see if a module is installed and then either initializes the module to function with the controller.
After a further 60 seconds the Calmag Home Screen will appear indicating the number of days that are remaining
for the life of the lamp. On initial startup this should show 375 days as the unit is programmed to give an extra 10
days at the end of 12 months to replace the ultra violet bulb.
The Calmag Home Screen will then constantly scroll from right to left indicating that the unit is functioning
If the controller button is pressed once the Calmag Home Screen will return to the centre of the display and show
the number of lamp life days remaining.
If the white blank screen appears press the controller button twice and the Calmag Home Screen will appear at the
centre of the display and will show the number of lamp life days remaining.
Once the controller has finished checking for the installation of all available modules a single screen is displayed
showing which specific modules are installed and activated on this particular system. Please Note: If the
corresponding module icon is not displayed on this screen, then that module is not installed on this system. If you
believe this module is installed correctly, recheck the applicable connections to ensure a solid connection point
and then restart the controller. The controller then continues to optimize the lamp efficiency by waiting 60
seconds to allow the lamp to reach its optimum output.