Volume Calculations
Simple Concrete Volume
You need to calculate the cubic yards of
c o n c rete re q u i red for pouring a driveway.
The measurements are as follows: 36 feet 3
inches by 11 feet 6 inches by 4 inches deep.
What’s the volume of the driveway? If con-
c rete costs $47 per cubic yard, how much
will the concrete cost?
1. Clear calculator
[On/C] [On/C]
2.Enter length, width and depth then
find volume in cubic yards
36 [Feet] 3 [Inch] [Length]
11 [Feet] 6 [Inch] [Width]
4 [Inch] [Depth]
5.146605 CU YD
3. Multiply by price per cubic yard to
find total cost
[x] 47 [Conv] [•]
$ 241.89
32 – HeavyCalc™