10 — Q
Tax, Insurance and Expense Keys
In addition to Qualifying, the following keys are also involved in PITI
or total payment calculations (e.g., they are added to the monthly
s 7
Property Tax (Tax)
— Used for calculating PITI and
Total payment, and Qualifying. Stores estimated
annual property tax in either percent or dollar
amount. If entered as an annual dollar amount,
® 7
converts to the monthly tax amount,
and pressing
® 7
again converts to the annual
percentage rate. If entered as a percentage, press-
® 7
converts to the annual dollar amount, and
® 7
once more shows the monthly tax.
Note: Entering a number equal to or less than 10 is assumed to
be an annual percentage. Property tax is calculated from the
sales price (therefore, you should also enter a Down Payment).
s 8
Property Insurance (Ins)
— Used for calculating
PITI and Total payment, and Qualifying. Stores esti-
mated annual property (or homeowner’s) insurance
in either percent or dollar amount. If entered as an
annual dollar amount, pressing
® 8
converts to
the monthly insurance amount or premium, and
® 8
again converts to the annual per-
centage rate. If entered as a percentage, pressing
® 8
converts to the annual dollar amount, and
® 8
once more shows the monthly
Note: Entering a number equal to or less than 10 is assumed to
be an annual percentage. Property insurance is calculated from
the sales price (therefore, you should also enter a Down Payment).
s 9
Mortgage Insurance (Mtg Ins)
— Used for calculat-
ing PITI and Total payment, and Qualifying. Stores
estimated annual mortgage insurance (or Private
Mortgage Insurance) in either percent or dollar
amount. If entered as an annual dollar amount, a
press of
® 9
converts to the monthly mortgage
insurance amount or premium, and pressing
® 9
again converts to the annual percentage rate. If
entered as a percentage, pressing
® 9
to the annual dollar amount, and pressing
® 9
once more shows the monthly insurance.