The GPS link state shows the status of the GPS link:
NOTE: By default, GPS operation is enabled. To disable GPS (i.e. for operation in the lab or
testing), refer to section 4.6.
Auto – Default. Base Station waits for GPS synchronization before beginning
transmission. This is usually the normal operation mode for multi-sector systems.
Start – Base Station begins transmission without waiting for GPS synchronization. Used
for single sector systems or for testing. The Stop option is used to discontinue
Stop – Used to discontinue transmission initiated by Start.
Navigating the Web Manager Screen
The Base Station management tool screens consist of four main areas:
Dash Board
– Provides Base Station main status indications: Alarms, Up/Down rate,
registration elapsed time, Base Station status. Clicking on the status items opens the
relevant pane in the Display area.
Main Menu Options
– a set of menus, where clicking each menu displays the corresponding
set of sub-menus in the Sub-Menu Options Pane.
Sub-Menu Options Pane
– a set of commands and sub-menus related to the selected
menu option. Selecting a sub-menu item, displays the relevant options in the Work Area.
Display Area
– display corresponds to the selected sub-menu item.
Main Menu Options
Dash Board
Options Pane
Display area
© CalAmp Sentry 4G-900 Pico Base Station