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User's Manual (MUT)
Mod. V1729 4 Channel 12 Bit Sampling ADC
Number of pages:
00109/04:V1729.MUTx/03 V1729_REV3.DOC
2.1.2 Trigger
There are four possible sources for the trigger signal Ta. They are selectable by the user:
Trigger on signal
: this is the result of the logic « OR » of the discriminators on the
analog signals of one or several channels of the board by choice of the user. The
common threshold of the discriminators is programmable by steps of 0.25 mV over a
range of ± 0.5V (which corresponds to the integrality of the usable input range of the
board). The user can also define the type of discrimination (signal higher than or inferior
to the threshold) via the choice of the trigger edge.
External trigger
: external trigger signal entering on a LEMO plug (EXT_TRIG signal at
the NIM level). This signal can be either used as any other trigger source with choice of
its edge, or exploited directly as an asynchronous trigger (rising edge only) in cases
where one uses discriminators from several boards in order to produce at the exterior of
the boards (via their output TRIG_OUT) a trigger which will be sent back to them in a
synchronous way (see figure 2.2). This mode is selected by the bit 4 of the TRIG_TYPE
Auto trigger
: triggered by a software command issued from the acquisition. It permits
the generation of a random trigger. This corresponds to the automatic trigger mode.
« Auto + normal » trigger
: result of a logic « OR » between the trigger on signal and
the automatic trigger.
- Internal random trigger
: this internal periodic signal, asynchronous of the clock, can
be enabled or disabled. When it is enabled and the trigger mode selected is « auto », this
signal serves as a source for the automatic trigger. One uses it for the fast calibration of
the verniers of the MATACQ chips.
2.1.3 Trigger
The trigger edge (rising or falling) can be selected in all modes (except the direct external
trigger which uses only the rising edge).
A copy of the pre-trigger signal (positive pulse) generated by the V1729 board is
available at the output on a LEMO plug on the front panel (TRIG_OUT output on the NIM
level). It can in particular permit synchronization of trigger for several boards.
A simplified summary of the trigger modes of the board is presented in fig 2.3.