Hardware Installation Guide
Hardware User’s Guide
Appendix C
Bootstrap Program
The bootstrap program can help you isolate or rule out hardware problems
encountered when installing your router. A summary of the bootstrap diagnostic
tests and command options is provided.
Entering the Bootstrap Program
The bootstrap diagnostics help initialize the processor hardware and boot the main
operating system software. If you set the software configuration register boot field
(bits 3, 2, 1, and 0) to zero, you can start the server in standalone bootstrap mode.
The bootstrap mode prompt is an angle bracket (>).
To enable the Break key, and to default to booting in the bootstrap mode, at the
bootstrap prompt (>), set the configuration register to 0x0 by entering the
> o/r 0x0
See Table C-1 for an explanation of the o/r command.
While running the system software, you can reset the configuration register to 0x0
by entering configuration mode, and then entering the configuration command
config-register 0x0
For more information on the virtual configuration register, refer to
Appendix B, “Virtual Configuration Register.”