User Manual
‘PCNC’ trap:
Agent IP:
6 (Enterprise Specific)
Variable Bindings:
"00001-2: ALERT Channel status 3"
The Enterprise number is defined in PCNC.INI and the Agent IP is
configured in Chameleon. The Generic number simply specifies that
the trap is Enterprise specific, rather than a generic SNMP trap. The
Specific number corresponds to an alert type as defined in the MIB of
your NMS. To make the Specific number, a constant 1000 is added to
the alert number, so Specific number 1118 corresponds to alert type 118
(alertChannelStatus). The number 1009 is alert type 9
(alertCabletronAlertMessage), as generated by Cabletron devices.
The Variable bindings contain the parameters of the trap. In PCNC
format, there is only one Variable Bindings entry, which is a string value
that contains the standard alert message. In NMS format, they specify
the type, poll number and channel number of the device. If the
NamesInTraps setting of PCNC.INI is On, PCNC will also include the
name of the device (as entered in the Network Database) in the fourth
field. If not, this field will be blank. The meaning and type of the
parameters for each alert type are defined in the MIB.
13.3 Exported Alarm Databases
The command Alarms | Export alarm database... produces a dialogue
box which prompts you for a file name. It then writes the Alarm
Database to the selected file, in a comma-delimited ASCII format. In all
cases, all alarms are written to the file, irrespective of whether or not
they were acknowledged, and irrespective of their device and alarm
type. No selection or filtering is performed.
The Export Alarm Database dialogue box provides a .CSV (comma-
separated values) filename extension by default. The data in the
exported file is compatible with Microsoft
Excel version 5.0’s .CSV
13.3.1 .CSV exported file format
The file exported by the Alarms | Export... command writes alarms as
one-line text records, each terminated by a <CR>,<LF> sequence. The