User Manual
13.1.2 Alerts without time and date information
Alert strings without time and date information should be formatted as
follows in order to be recognised by PCNC.
[<garbage>] <Poll number> [<ws>] - [<ws>] [<Channel>] [<ws>] :
[<ws>] ALERT [<ws>] <Remainder of string> [<garbage>] [<CR>] <LF>
13.1.3 Alerts with time and date information
Alert strings with time and date information should be formatted as
follows in order to be recognised by PCNC.
[<garbage>] <Poll number> [<ws>] - [<ws>] <date> [<ws>] <time>
[<ws>] - [<ws>] [<Channel>] [<ws>] : [<ws>] ALERT [<ws>] <Remainder
of string> [<garbage>] [<CR>] <LF>
13.1.4 Alert message recognition
Any leading garbage is stripped and does not appear in the alarm log.
If there is trailing garbage before the <CR><LF>, and it contains
printable characters, these printable characters are retained in the alarm
message when it is placed in the Alarm Database. Non-printable
characters other than <CR><LF> and <TAB> are stripped prior to
processing by the alarm recogniser.
The recognition processing discards leading garbage as follows:
PCNC attempts to recognise the message, starting at the first digit
character in the string.
If the message starting at this position is not legal, the attempt is
repeated, starting from the next digit character of the string.
This process is repeated until either a legal string is decoded, or all
characters have been discarded from the beginning of the string. Each
time the legality check is performed, the string is first checked assuming
it has no time and date, and if that does not match, it is checked again
assuming that it has a time and date.
13.2 SNMP Traps
13.2.1 Trap generation format
With the SNMP Link, PCNC is able to generate traps in two different
formats. These are known as ‘NMS’ format and ‘PCNC’ format. These