Troubleshooting Guide
alert message PCNC has received (see Section
). When this
happens, the alarm is classified as
Unrecognised for filtering purposes,
even though the actual alarm type is displayed in the usual way.
These alarms are hidden by the
Unrecognised Alert filter, rather than
the one that corresponds to the alarm text. They usually arise because
the Device Type is wrongly specified in the Network Database. To check
this, find the device in the Network Inspector window by sorting on Poll
number or device name. Then make sure that the correct device type is
specified and change it if necessary. If the device type was specified
correctly, there may be a hardware problem which corrupted the
message before it arrived at PCNC.
An alarm showing ‘Unknown device’ instead of the device name behaves
in a similar way - it is hidden by the
Unknown Device filter. This type of
alarm is generated when a message contains the Poll number of a
device that does not appear in the Network Database. Either the device
has never been defined, or its Poll number does not correspond to that
specified in the database. Again, you need to modify the database (or
the device settings) so that it exactly mirrors the network.
11.6 The Network Database is not visible
If the Network Database is inaccessible, the file PCNC.DAT has probably
been moved, deleted or corrupted. First exit the PCNC program and
check to see if a PCNC.DAT is stored anywhere on your hard disk. If so,
move it to PCNC’s working directory if it is not there already.
If a PCNC.DAT file is in the working directory, and you still cannot see
the database, or if the file is missing altogether, you will have to use your
backup copy. If you have no backup copy, you will need to enter the
database again, as described in Chapter 8 -
The Network Database.
11.7 Crashes
If PCNC should encounter a fatal error, it will display a dialogue box
asking if you want to save the data contained in PCNC to a file called
PCNC.ERR. This file is a PCNC.DAT file which can be restored before
you reload PCNC. The data is not saved directly onto the existing
PCNC.DAT file, ensuring that existing data cannot be corrupted by the