Copyright 2015 © C. B. Gi
y Cra
er Supply 12
Once your strings are installed, the construction
part of this kit is complete.
you have finished your ukulele!
Now all that’s
left is to get it strung up and get busy playing!
Step 1—Get your Ukulele in Tune
This ukulele is tuned to G C E A, with G being the top string (when held in playing position) and A being the
bottom string.
If you have a digital chromatic tuner, you can easily use that to tune your ukulele, especially if it has a Ukulele
mode. For a good visual and audio reference, we recommend
, which gives you the pitch
of each string, as well as a nice representation of the headstock.
To help you get started playing your ukulele, above are some of the more common chords that you’ll want to
learn. In the diagrams, the vertical lines represent the four strings of the ukulele (the leftmost being the top
string when you are playing, the rightmost being the bottom string), and the circles tell you where to put your
fingers. The open circles at the top of the diagram indicates an open (unfretted) string.
Using just these chords, you can play a large number of both traditional and popular songs, from folk to coun-
try to rock and pop. You should be able to follow along with any printed or online sheet music or tablature that
shows the guitar chords. There are many sites online that present tablature and chords for popular songs,
such as
and others.
Step 3—More How-to-Play Resources
There are many online resources for how to play the ukulele, including a growing library of video how-to les-
sons over at
. C. B. Gitty also sells a How to Play the Ukulele book that includes
an audio CD. Find it at
. You can also search on YouTube for “ukulele les-
sons” and find a wealth of free how-to info.
We hope that you have enjoyed this process of building your ukulele from this kit, and that you will
Figure 25
Figure 26
Figure 27