4.7 Setting Gateway Time
GWTIME, consisting of GWTIME_H and GWTIME_L @
40011-40012 or RAW 10-11, is a UInt32 value that by
default represents the time in seconds from the point the
gateway was powered on or reset. A user, that has access
to some form of external time reference, can write to these
registers to set time. It is required that GWTIME_H is
written before GWTIME_L is written. Once GWTIME_L is
written the gateways time is officially updated with the
contents of GWTIME_H/L. Reading these register will
retrieve the gateway’s time in seconds.
The reference time used to set this time only needs to be
meaningful to the application it is used in. Most
applications do not require the Serial Modbus Gateway to
reference any time. If an application uses wireless device
synchronization settings, then the time must be set. As an
example, Current time is September 1
, 2016 at
17:05:15. If September 1
, 2016, 00:00:00 was referenced
as the beginning time, then the GWTIME can be set to (17
* 3600) + (5 * 60) + 15 = 61515. If January 1
, 2016,
00:00:00 was referenced as the beginning time, then
GWTIME can be set to (245 * 24 * 3600) + (17 * 3600) + (5
* 60) + 15 = 21229515. Both time references result in
accurate synchronization of remote wireless devices.
4.8 Viewing Registered Wireless Devices
The WD_CNT Gateway Register (Function Code
address = 40004, Raw Address =3) contains the number
of registered devices in the Wireless Device List (WDL).
A Value of 0 here denotes that no devices are registered
and the wireless is disabled.
The WDL consists of 50 set of 2-paired registers that
represents the Serial Identifier (SID) for the register device.
These registers can be read to discover the location of a
specific device in the list (SLOT).
Note: You need to have registered at least one sensor to
view/edit wireless device register data (WDR).
Please see
Ref.4 for more information.
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