User Manual
Bump Interval
Calibration Gas Concentration
Bump Interval
determines the number of days before a
sensor needs to be bump checked. A different interval value
can be selected for each sensor. Set the interval value to
disable this option. This option is disabled upon shipment.
The calibration span gas option (
Cal Gas
) allows you to input
a new gas concentration for each sensor. Refer to the values
listed on your calibration gas cylinder.
BW recommends that the calibration concentration
value be set between specific ranges. Refer to the
BW recommends to “bump check” the sensors,
before each day’s use, to confirm their ability to
respond to gas by exposing the detector to a gas
concentration that exceeds the alarm setpoints.
Calibration Interval
Low Alarm
The calibration interval (
Cal Interval
) allows you to choose
the number of days before the next calibration should be
performed. You can select the minimum number of days
(1 day) to the maximum number of days (365 days) before
the next calibration. A different calibration interval can be
selected for each sensor. Select
to disable the calibration
interval. The detector is shipped with a default of 180 days.
Low Alarm
option allows you to change the low alarm
setpoint for each of the sensors. Refer to
Resetting Gas
Alarm Setpoints
for the factory alarm setpoints.
High Alarm
High Alarm
option changes the high alarm setpoint for each
of the sensors. Refer to
Resetting Gas Alarm Setpoints
the factory alarm setpoints.
BW recommends that the detector be calibrated
once every 180 days (6 months).