© 2019 Burnside Telecom Ltd.
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Rev 2.1
Battery condition
: Battery failure is determined by an abnormal rate of change of the
battery voltage when subjected to charge current or load test. Low battery is when there
is less than 20% charge remaining.
level is reported when outside operating limits.
Hook howl
is reached after a period of 150 seconds off-hook no call activity.
Power break
is when power is lost for more than the specified period (CFG21)
On/off state
condition when enabled will send the status of turn on or restart.
When turning off, one of the following may be displayed:
Turned off by user
Battery exhausted
When turned on or automatically restarted, one of the following may be displayed.
Turned on by user
Reset restart
WDT restart
Followed by full status information.
Low PSTN voltage
is defined as being less than 5 volts.
Extended PSTN tests
a) Low current
b) In use (parallel phone)
c) No dial-tone
Power break period report threshold:
Minimum power break period before reporting power break.
0-1000 minutes (default 5 minutes).
Number of days between sending automatic status:
1 to 28 days (default 1/daily). See
“STIME” for time of day to send.
Control operation of terminal with DC plug:
0 = Disabled (default). Button is used to activate/deactivate terminal.
1 = Deactivate on plug removal.
2 = Deactivate on plug removal, activate when plug connected.
Ring mode for incoming PSTN calls:
0 = Silent
1 = Follow cadence from FXO (default).
Rules for selecting the PSTN for outgoing calls:
0 = Normally use PSTN unless match mobile prefix (MPREFIX).
1 = Route all calls via mobile unless PSTN selected with flash-hook.
2 = Route all calls via PSTN unless prefix *9 used.
3 = Route calls via PSTN when phone is off-hook, *9 can select mobile (default).
If either the PSTN or Mobile fails, the remaining functional connection will be used
regardless of this setting. Note: The prefix option (CFG27 & IPREFIX) is not available
with this setting.
Rules for determining PSTN failure:
Calls will be routed via the mobile network if the PSTN appears to have failed due to:
0 = No voltage when on hook (PSTN less than 5V).