© 2019 Burnside Telecom Ltd.
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Rev 2.1
Getting started
Remove the battery insulating tab then open the battery compartment to expose the SIM holder.
Insert a standard size SIM card and replace the cover. If the unit is going to be wall mounted, we
recommend using the supplied screw to secure the battery compartment lid.
Connect the telephone and landline where appropriate. See the supplied quick start guide for
Connect the supplied charger. The charge LED will flash to indicate the terminal is charging the
battery. See the section on LEDs.
The termin
al will now be in “charge only mode” and will not be connected to the mobile network. If
the terminal is a T400LR model, the landline will be connected through to the phone connection.
Turn on the terminal by pressing and holding the red button on the rear of the terminal, when the
orange and green LEDS light, release the button and the terminal will operate. After a taking a few
seconds to register with the mobile network, the terminal will be ready to make or receive calls.
To test the connection of the connected phone, try a ringback test by dialling *9# and hang up. The
phone should ring and if your phone includes a caller display it will show the signal strength and
name of the mobile network. The ringing will stop after 30 seconds or after lifting the handset.
To test the landline on the T400LR, with the handset off-hook, press the recall button on the phone
and the landline will be connected and you should hear a dial tone from the landline.
There are three LEDs on the terminal. The right hand red LED indicates the state of charging which
applies whether the terminal is
in “charge only” mode or when it is operating.
The middle green LED indicates the mode of operation. The left orange LED indicates if the terminal
requires attention.
The table below shows the state and timings of the 3 LEDs. The solid graphic block character
represents the LED on, the
□ represents the LED off. The ratios illustrated are approximate.
← Position & colour
← 2 seconds →
← 2 seconds →
[←2 s→]
Charge only mode. Charging
Charge only mode. Charged
Battery fault
Temperature too high or low to charge
On/Off Button pressed
Waiting for PIN
Waiting for PUK
Weak signal (calls possible)
Ready for call
Incoming call
Mobile call in progress
PSTN Call in progress
Fault, such as no SIM
Fault, when on battery
The xxxxxxx states of the charging LED during normal terminal operation can be any of the normal charging