to lim it the ex tent to which the
steer ing mast can be fold ed
forward. If thread ed in ward
(clock wise) com plete ly or
moved, the steer
ing mast
can be folded com plete ly fl at
to rest on the bike frame. With
the seat as sem bly re moved and
the steer ing mast fold ed fl at,
the bike may be easier to load
into some ve hi cles.
Once the seat and steer
mast ad just ments have been
per formed, the bike is ready
to ride. How
er, there are
oth er seat ad just ments that may in crease com fort and al low you to cus tom ize the
fi t of your bike.
Fine Tuning Seat Ad just ments for Com fort
Seat Back Recline Adjustment
The seat back re cline is ad just able to sev er al dif fer ent po si tion set tings. New er
rid ers may pre fer a more up right set ting. Ex pe ri enced and per for mance-ori ent ed
rid ers may pre fer a ful ly re clined seat back.
To adjust the de gree of seat back recline:
1. Note the po si tion of the seat as sem bly on the seat track.
2. Open both seat quick-release mechanisms.
3. Note the po si tion of the plastic seat slider blocks in the range of ad just ment holes
pro vid ed. Note how moving the slid er blocks to dif fer ent ad just ment holes chang es
the recline angle of the seat frame.
4. Slide the seat fully rear ward and remove seat as sem bly from the frame.
5. Hold the seat in your lap or place it on a suitable work surface or table.
6. Remove both seat quick-release mech a nisms, being careful not to lose the self-
centering springs.
7. Install the quick-release mech a nism with plastic slider blocks and self-centering
springs in the desired recline ad just ment holes.
8. Install the seat as sem bly on the bike by sliding the seat onto the seat track from the
rear (op po site of re mov al). Slide the seat frame to its original position on the seat
9. Close both seat quick-release mechanisms. (Refer to Section IV. Tech B.3, of the
Burley Adult Own er s Manual for Multi-Speed Bicycles for proper quick-release
mech a nism op er a tion.)
Seat Bottom Fine Tuning Adjustments
Seat Bottom Fore-Aft and Tilt Range Adjustments: The fore-aft and tilt range
Type 2 Steering Mast
Rear Tilt
Lock Nut
Forward Tilt
Stop Bolt
Steering Mast
Lower Tube
Offset Stem