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An exhaust of air in the area above the machine body is recommended with regard to possible etching
fumes. The need for extraction will depend on the liquid used.
Environmental protection
Dispose used etchant according to your local regulations. Pay heed to the material safety data sheet
(MSDS) of your chemicals.
Rinsing water
The legislation generally prohibits to exceed certain maximum concentrations and quantities of copper
(and other heavy metals) in the waste water (usually 0.5 mg copper / liter of water). After etching the
boards should not be rinsed under running water and do not dispose used rinsing water into the sewer!
Operate the rinsing water only either in a closed loop rinse or treat the rinse water with a ion ex-
changer. If you do not have an in-house water treatment for the rinse water, we recommend our waste
water treatment plant IONEX or AquaPur for this task.
We recommend to use the water in the closed loop rinsing zone(s) as long as possible.
Collect used rinsing water and reuse for set up new etchant. Dispose the surplus together with the
used etchant. Neutralization of the rinsing water or even the etchant can and should be left to a special -
Bungard Elektronik GmbH & Co. KG, Rilkestraße 1, 51570 Windeck – Germany
Tel.: +49 (0) 2292/9 28 28 - 0, Fax: +49 (0) 2292/9 28 28 - 29, E-mail: [email protected]