Optional Features
Dual Inline TDS Meter DM-1
Measures the total dissolved solids (TDS) in
your water supply. TDS meters are a common
tool used to estimate the purity or quality of
A dual TDS meter is most commonly installed on the “in” and “out”
of the deionization resin stage. The “in” connection monitors the RO
system performance and the water feeding the DI resin.
The “out” connection monitors DI resin performance and the quality of
your product water for the aquarium. The “out” reading should always
read zero TDS.
Please note:
RO system needs to operate for 10 minutes before
an accurate reading can be achieved.
Oil-Filled Pressure Gauge
Displays the water pressure entering the RO
membrane. The gauge is installed in-line between the
last carbon block and the RO membrane.
Proper RO membrane performance is very dependent
on maintaining proper pressure feeding the membrane.
Greater than 50 psi is ideal, less than 35 and you will
likely need to install a booster pump.
A significant decrease in the operating pressure would indicate
that the pre-filters (and in particular the sediment filter) need to be
Membrane Flush Kit
The membrane flush kit is a ball valve
installed on the black waste water line
that bypasses the flow restrictor. Opening
this valve increases the flow through the
waste line and flushes deposits off of the
RO membrane. Flushing the membrane
increases membrane life and system performance.
On a RO system that is only used a few times a month flush the
membrane for 1-2 minutes before and after each use. If you use the
system frequently flush the system for 3-5 minutes a few times each
Please note:
In normal operation this valve should be closed. If you
are unsure if the valve is closed, check the flow rate out of the black
waste water line. When the valve is closed for normal operation, the
flow out of this line will be slower.
150 GPD Water Saver Upgrade Kit
This kit is designed to double product water
output while maintaining the same volume
of waste water which essentially cuts the
waste to product water ratio in half.
By running two 75 gallon per day membranes in series you are
doubling the volume of product water without significantly increasing
overall flow rates through the pre-filters. This will almost double the
amount of product water you can produce with a single set of pre-
This effect can be particularly noticeable if your water supply has
chloramines where filters are quickly consumed.