Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Is it normal for the DI stage to not fill completely with water?
A: Yes, air gets caught in the top of the canister and has no way to escape. This does not interfere with system performance, but if desired open the
canister slightly while the unit is running to allow the air to escape. Retighten the canister when the water reaches the top.
Q: Is it normal for TDS to be higher when the system is first turned on?
A: Yes, this is called “TDS creep” and normal on all RO systems. Please allow the RO system to run for 10 minutes before testing TDS.
Q: Is it okay to leave water in the canisters between uses?
A: Yes, it is advised to keep them wet between uses and to store in a cool, dark location.
Q: How often should I use the flush kit?
A: We suggest flushing the membrane for a few minutes before and after use. There is an auto flush kit available if you would like something more
(SKU: 200209)
Q: My pressure gauge reads less than 50 psi, do I need a booster pump?
A: The membrane will not perform “optimally” below 50 psi but the reduced performance may not be substantial enough to warrant a booster pump.
As you approach 35 psi the performance drop will become significant and you will likely want to purchase a booster pump.
(Kit: 200216)
Q: What is a normal TDS reading?
A: TDS from most tap water will be in the 100-300 range but many sources can be well over 500. Normal product water from RO membrane will
be around 98% of your tap water’s TDS under optimal conditions. Tap water with a TDS of 300 should be around six coming out of the membrane.
Product water emitted from the DI resin canister should be zero. Please operate the system for ten minutes prior to testing for TDS, readings will
always be higher when the system is turned on initially.
Q: My DI resin seems to be depleting quickly, what’s wrong?
A: Useable lifespan of the DI resin cartridge will vary widely. Someone feeding the resin from their RO membrane with one TDS will have
approximately five times the useable life as someone feeding it with five TDS. Outside of that, carbon dioxide in your water supply or a poorly
performing RO membrane are the biggest causes.
Q: My system doesn’t seem to be making a lot of water, what’s wrong?
A: Please keep in mind that 75 gallons a day is approximately three gallons an hour. The flow will be slow and close to a constant trickle. If it is
slower than that, it’s almost always because your flush kit is open or your home’s water pressure is low and there is less than 50 psi feeding the
Q: Can I reduce the amount of waste water my system produces?
A: The waste water is a critical component of a properly functioning RO system. The best way to reduce the volume of waste water to product water
ratio is to install a second membrane* in series which will effectively cut this ratio in half.
(*Water Saver Upgrade Kit, SKU: 200432)
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