Budget Robotics - TankBot Servo
Page 12
Copyright (c) 2002-2006, Budget Robotics
Should you wish to adjust the physical center of the servo you may do so by following these steps:
1. Remove the drive sprocket from the servo.
2. Remove the servo from the track mounting rail.
3. Remove the four casing screws on the servo.
4. Place the servo upright (base down) on the table, and very carefully remove the top casing.
Apply gentle finger pressure on the output shaft to prevent the output gear from being pulled out
as you remove the casing.
5. Remove the center gear, but keep the metal shaft in place.
6. Remove the output gear. (Minimize handling of the gears so that you don't accidentally "soak
up" too much of the white lubricating grease into your fingers. If you think the gears have
become insufficiently lubricated, you may apply a small amount of synthetic grease -- available
at most electronics stores -- to replenish.)
7. Adjust the feedback potentiometer as required. If needed, you may apply a
very small
amount of
Super Glue (or equivalent) to the potentiometer shaft to lock it in place.
8. When done, replace the output and center gear. Replace the top casing and four casing screws of
the servo.
Reattach the servo to the track mounting rail, and the sprocket to the servo.
The TankBot Servo is available from:
Budget Robotics
PO Box 5821
Oceanside, CA 92056