1 SETTiNgS ........................................................................................ 3
1.1 Setting the device for the first time
1.2 General settings
1.3 User settings
1.4 Activating the sensors
1.5 Setting the altimeter
1.6 Activating and setting targets
1.7 Customising the display
1.8 Battery level display
1.9 Restoring the default settings
2 uSiNg ThE dEviCE ......................................................................... 9
2.1 Getting started
2.2 Ride Mode ..............................................................................................................12
Navigation Mode (only works outdoors)
2.4 Challenge Mode ....................................................................................................14
2.5 Indoor training (S)
2.6 Mark a spot
2.7 Go Back Home
2.8 Description of the route
2.9 Pause/Stop/Save
3 LOgBOOk ...................................................................................... 21
3.1 Session logbook
3.2 Navigation logbook
3.3 Challenge logbook
4 POP-uP mESSAgES ANd ACTiONS ............................................... 25
4.1 GPS lost and connection to the sensors lost
4.2 Battery level
4.3 Memory full
4.4 Navigation .............................................................................................................26
5 ChArgiNg ThE BATTEry ............................................................ 27
6 SAviNg yOur PErFOrmANCE ON-LiNE ...................................... 27
7 TEChNiCAL ChArACTEriSTiCS .................................................. 28
8 PrECAuTiONS FOr uSE ANd wArrANTiES ............................... 29
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