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Getting to know your phone
In standby, press to open the
Redial list, page 16.
In a menu, press to scroll up
through the options.
During a call, press to
increase the volume.
Option button (left)
In standby, press to open
the main menu.
Select options displayed
on screen.
During a call, press to open the
phonebook, page 14.
In standby mode, press to make
and receive calls, page 14.
Press again to switch between
handset and handsfree mode,
page 15 – 16.
Press and hold to switch the
handset ringer on or off.
For use with switchboard/PBX
and BT Calling Features.
In standby, press to call
another handset.
During a call, press to put a
caller on hold and to make an
internal call, page 38.
Option button (right)
In standby, press to open the
Phonebook, page 18.
Moves back up a menu.
During a call, press to switch
Mute on or off, page 15.
In standby, press to open
and scroll through the
Calls list, page 29.
In a menu, press to scroll
through the options.
During a call, press to
decrease the volume.
End call/Off or On
Press to end a call, page 14.
In standby, press and hold to
switch the handset off/on,
page 14.
In menu mode, press to return
to standby.
#/Lock/Pause/Upper and
Lower case
Press and hold to lock/unlock the
keypad, page 17.
When storing a number, press and
hold to enter a Pause, page 18.
When entering text, press and
hold to switch between upper and
lower case letters.
Hudson 1