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© Brüel & Kjær Vibro
● C107758.002 / V04
Technical alterations reserved!
7.13 Digital inputs
Digital Inputs
The Digital Input can be used to trigger the capture of time waveforms but can also be used for other purposes
such as trip override functions for the alarm system.
The Digital Input can receive a signal from the digital output on another VCM-3, thus making it possible to
synchronize time waveform capture on several VCM-3 units with a delay less than 100ms.
The S- connection is not connected to chassis ground.
The input is galvanically isolated up to a voltage of 125Vrms
The digital inputs are designed according to IEC 946 Binary direct voltage signals for process measurement
and control systems.
Digital Input Low voltage limits:
[-3 .. 5] V
Digital Input High voltage limits:
[13 .. 33] V