1.3.14 Set country / language (function code: 52) ........................................................... 5-25
1.3.15 Transfer received fax data / log information (function code: 53)
1.3.16 Fine-tune scanning position (function code: 54) ................................................... 5-28
1.3.17 Acquire white level data and set CIS scan area (function code: 55) .................... 5-29
1.3.18 Adjust touch panel (function code: 61) ................................................................. 5-30
1.3.19 Continuous print test (function code: 67) .............................................................. 5-31
1.3.20 Print frame pattern (single-side printing) (function code: 69) ............................... 5-34
1.3.21 Print frame pattern (duplex printing) (function code: 70) ...................................... 5-35
1.3.22 Print test pattern (function code: 71) .................................................................... 5-36
1.3.23 Setting by spec (function code: 74) ...................................................................... 5-39
1.3.24 Print maintenance information (function code: 77) ............................................... 5-45
1.3.25 Check fan operation (function code: 78) .............................................................. 5-47
1.3.26 Display machine log information (function code: 80) ............................................ 5-48
1.3.27 Display machine error code (function code: 82) ................................................... 5-51
1.3.28 Send communication log information to telephone line (function code: 87) ......... 5-51
1.3.29 Reset irregular power supply detection counter of
low-voltage power supply PCB (function code: 88) .............................................. 5-52