PaRTs RePlaceMenT InsTRUcTIon
1 upper propeller blade
1 tail rotor
4 connecting rods
helIcoPTeR PRoPelleR sYsTeM
Your helicopter propeller system is a precision instrument that may need repair
or replacement from time to time for optimal flight function . Crash landing from
high-speed aerial flights may cause damage to your helicopter's propeller or
propeller connecting rods .
If your helicopter loses its ability to fly correctly, please inspect the propeller
system carefully for the following three common issues:
1 .
Broken connecting rod.
Replacing Connecting Rod: The connecting rod is
a small “handcuff” style device that stabilizes the “upper” propellers . There are
2 connecting rods on the upper propeller . Please see Diagram 1 on page 25 .
If a connecting rod is broken or missing simply replace it by “peeling” off the
broken one and replacing it with a new one . You may have to use slight pressure
when reattaching both ends of the new connecting rod . Make sure that the new
connecting rod is secured and locked in place . See Diagram 2 on page 25 . When
changing the connecting rod, make sure there is no damage to the actual blade or
arm that holds the connecting rod in place . If there is, you must replace the entire
blade system .