Move the Throttle forward to increase
the speed of the main rotor and the
helicopter will rise up .
Move the Throttle backward to
decrease the speed of the main rotor
and the helicopter will descend .
Move the Throttle left and the
helicopter will turn left .
Move the Throttle right and the
helicopter will turn right .
sTUnT PIloT flIGhT conTRols
(4 channel flIGhT)
Are you ready for Stunt Pilot 4 Channel Flight? Be careful . . . Some of the control locations
have changed from Basic 3 Channel Flight—and it takes some practice . While learning
to fly your helicopter it is best to start with a large space until you get used to the basic
controls . Start slow, and when you are ready, you can graduate to even more daredevil
maneuvers . Practice makes perfect!