Remove the Alarm Controller from its cradle. If the unit has
been tamper proofed you will need to release the latch with
a screwdriver.
With the Alarm Controller in your hand press and hold the
button. Walk around the house and verify that each Alarm
is sounding. When testing is complete release the button
and replace the controller in its cradle. If the test fails go to
Troubleshooting the RadioLINK’ section.
If there is a fire, immediately evacuate the premises and telephone the fire brigade.
If the source of the alarm is not obvious go to the Alarm Controller and check to
see which indicator is illuminated, Fire or CO.
If the CO indicator is flashing, open doors & windows while evacuating the premises.
Contact the appropriate authorities to report the incident.
When the alarm system sounds
Fire / CO Alarm Controller
Walk round test (optional)
Fire / CO Alarm Controller
Fire / CO Alarm Controller