WVRC-8 Installation and Operation Manual
Raise/Lower Relays
NOTE: PCB Rev F and above.
Raise and lower relays K1 through K4 are supplied with SPDT dry contacts.
Equipment to be controlled should be connected to the terminals labeled KxNC,
KxCM and KxNO (where x is the channel number). Raise relays are on the TOP,
while the lower relays are on the BOTTOM. Raise and lower relays K5 through K8
are supplied with normally open dry contacts. Equipment to be controlled should be
connected to the lower terminals labeled KxL and KxL (where x is the channel num-
ber), while KxR and KxR (where x is the channel number) for raise relays five
through eight. Raise relays are on the TOP, while the lower relays are on the BOT-
TOM. If mechanical relays are required, we suggest the Broadcast Tools LR-5-
POLE mechanical latching relay.
Alarm Relay
The SPST normally open dry contact alarm relay is labeled “ALM” / “ALM”. This
relay follows the front panel “ALM” LED indicator.
Power Failure Input
Connect a user supplied 6 to 12 volts DC only power source (center positive) to the
power failure input labeled PF. The barrel connector size is 2.1mm ID x 5.5mm OD.
An inexpensive 6 to 12 volts DC wall transformer of any current of 50ma or more
will work. ! NOTE: The primary (120vac) of the wall transformer should be con-
nected to the utility company side of your service. An UPS is suggested to power
the WVRC-8 during power outages.
Silence Sensor Inputs
Connect your unbalanced monaural or stereo audio source to the terminals labeled
SS-LT, SS-RT and GND. The level should be between –10 and +8 dbu. The input
impedance is approximately 10K ohms. When the SS is activated, you can adjust
the SS Sense trimmer for an illuminated front panel SS led. If the SS led is out, the
signal is low and if it’s flashing, it in an alarm condition (if enabled). The silence
sensor signal can only be aurally monitored in dialup mode. The front panel SS Mon
trimmer should be adjusted for a comfortable level at the caller end.
Telco Send Audio Input
Connect your balanced or unbalanced monaural source equipment to the input
labeled “SND-“, “SND+” and GND. The level should be between –10 and +8 dbu.
The input impedance is approximately 10K ohms. When activated, the rear panel
(telco) SEND trimmer should be adjusted for a comfortable level at the caller end.
If the SS MON or Send telco level is too high, the unit may have trouble
detecting DTMF tones. NOTE: The DTMF guard time jumper JP3 is factory set to
the “MED” position for enhanced tone detection. In some applications, your may
need to move this jumper.
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