BitPipe™Cellular Dev
User Guide
Copyright 2017 Briowireless Inc.
Enter the name of the topic in the “Topic” text box.
Select the Quality of Service (QOS) level from the drop-down box besides the topic name.
QOS0 (at most once) defines the lowest level of QOS. The sender will send a message
once and will not store the message to resend later. The receiver will not acknowledge
the reception of the message.
QOS1 (at least once) defines the second level of QOS. The sender will send a message to
the receiver and wait for an acknowledge. Once the acknowledge is received, the sender
will delete the message, otherwise, the message will be stored to be resent.
Enter the content of the message in the “Payload” text box.
Check the “Retained” checkbox for the broker to send the message to newly subscribed clients
upon topic subscription. Otherwise, the newly subscribed client will only receive the message
after a client publishes a new message.
Click on the “Publish” button to send the message to the broker.
Once the message has been published, the “Connection Status” box sh
ould display PUBLISH
payload transfer complete.
All clients subscribed to the topic should receive the published message.
Figure 26 shows the received publication by a client (MQTT.fx) subscribed to the same topic.
Figure 26 MQTT.fx received publications