5.3 Sensor Details Input Form
Click the Sensor Details button at the far left of the progress bar. This will open the sensor
details input form. First select the number of sensors used in the installation. Sensor dis-
tance (from the front of the vehicle) and height (above the ground) should then be entered
into the sensor details input form. Input all the details to 2 decimal places (i.e. 2.00 rather
than 2 or 2.0). Accuracy of +/- 5 cm is sufficient for all measurements. Once valid sensor
positions have been inputted, the configuration software will indicate the required sleeve
angle and sensor type. A positive sleeve angle (+) indicates the sleeve pointing upwards to
prevent ground detections. “Black” and “White” sensor types can be distinguished by the
colour of the back of the sensor.
Sensor position rules
Sensor details input form with sensor types and recommended sleeve angles highlighted.
5.4 Installing the Hardware
At this point the vehicle and sensor details input forms have been completed. The system
will now require some tests to be passed to confirm correct installation. Some of these
tests are mandatory and others can be skipped, however Brigade strongly recommends
running all tests to confirm the system is installed correctly.
To run these tests, the hardware must be installed to the vehicle and the sensors
programmed with their correct numbers. For more details on hardware installation see
Section 6. For specific information about programming the sensor, go to Section 6.8.
5.5 Connecting to the Algorithm ECU
Connect the PC to the USB connector located on the algorithm ECU. A USB extender cable
may be needed to enable comfortable use of the PC. Once the algorithm ECU is connected
to the configuration software it moves into configuration mode, indicated by a flashing green
light on the buzzer. The ECU will remain in configuration mode until the system is restarted.
When the ECU is powered and connected to the PC via the USB connection, the port number
should appear in the “COM Port” drop-down list. If the port number does not appear, click
the “Refresh COM Ports” button. Note that port numbers for other unrelated connected
devices may also appear in the “COM Port” drop-down list. If unsure, disconnect any other
devices before connecting to the ECU and click the “Refresh COM Ports” button again.
When the sensor positions have been confirmed as valid by the configuration software,
save the sensor configuration. Leave the file extension as .bsc. Previously saved sensor
configurations can be used by clicking “Open” in the file menu.
The Sensor Details button will show a green line below it, indicating completion of that stage.
Progress bar with vehicle details and sensor details complete.
ECU connection area with algorithm ECU ready to be connected. COM port can be any number.
Successfully connected to a new algorithm ECU.
Select this port number and click “Connect”. When the ECU is powered the buzzer display
should show a flashing green light on the power/fault LED. When connection is successful
and no tests have previously been performed, the following message will appear:
System Configuration Tutorial