First Menu
Mode Number
Mode Description and Instructions
0=reject global address PC commands
PC commands received with an address of 0 will be ignored if Mode 32-59=0. This
mode also affects global moving message commands received. See also Mode 32-42.
SR/ST Port Operation and Ethernet Hardware Reset
0=Ethernet hardware reset (default),
1=ST - receive and local processor transmit
2=SR/ST - hardware repeat, no local processor transmit
3=SR/ST - hardware repeat, with local processor time transmission on ST port
For Tiger PC board version 4.5 or older, always set Mode 32-60=0. For Tiger PC
board version 4.6 or later, setting Mode 32-60=2 will immediately repeat all serial
data received on the SR port out the ST port. The local processor cannot transmit on
this port in this mode. The local Tiger processor receives the data, but will not be
able to transmit. Setting Mode 32-60=1 allows the local processor to receive and
transmit data. The data will not be repeated out the ST port unless the processor is
configured to do so. If the data is repeated, a small delay will be introduced due to
the time required to process the data. When Mode 60=3, all serial data received on
the SR port will be hardware repeated out the ST port, and local time transmissions
will also be sent out the ST port. For example, a large time zone display with digital
lettering and IRIG-B on the GPS port can repeat all commands received on the SR
port out the ST port to other clocks, and also send time out the ST port.
For a clock system, it is recommended to set Mode 32-60 to 2 to immediately repeat
the data. Each clock will regenerate the data stream and no delays will be introduced.
For configurations where the local clock must transmit, as in the case of a master
clock, then set Mode 32-60=1 to allow the clock to transmit.
See also Mode 32-46 (3.11 5/10/040)
Counter/Timer Control Using Real Time Alarms
0=Disabled (default)
1=Enabled – The real time alarm schedule entered using Modes 27, 28 and 29 will be
used to activate timer functions. Mode 49 is used to specify the timer functions
required. Auto-incrementing counters are also supported. Alarm groups are not
Mode 49-n=3 – Counter/Timer Reset
Mode 49-n=4 – Counter/Timer Pause / Resume (same as Up button)
Mode 49-n=5 – Timer Reset and Start (same as Timer Control button)
For example, to automatically start the timer at 8:00 am, pause for lunch between
12:00 noon and 1:00pm, and stop the timer at 5:00pm, set Mode 27-1=8:00,
Mode 27-2=12:00, Mode 27-3=13:00 and Mode 27-4=17:00. Set Mode 29-1 through
Mode 29-4 to the desired day of the week codes. Set Mode 32-61=1 to enable the
automatic timer control feature. Set Mode 49-1=5 to start the timer at 8:00. Set
Mode 49-2=4 to pause the timer at 12:00 and Mode 49-3=4 to resume the timer at
13:00. Set Mode 49-4=4 to stop the timer at 17:00. Alarm schedule switching
(manual or by date range) is also supported. See also Mode 37-1.