First Menu
Mode Number
Mode Description and Instructions
timer from running at a different rate than the real time clock. When this mode is
active, the timer will not increment unless sync data is received once per second.
When sync data is receive, the timer seconds are set to the sync seconds received. A
down timer will use the difference between sync seconds received and 59 to produce
the correct value. 2=Updates the time and date while in timer or counter mode. A
setting of 1 only updates seconds while in counter mode.
Timer - Simple Button Control Operation
0=disable (default)
This mode activates the timer simple button control operation. When enabled,
pressing the TC button will cycle through the display zones. Press the TC button
once to select the first zone, causing the zone to blink. Once a zone is blinking, the
Up and Down buttons may be used to change the value of that zone. Pressing and
holding the Up or Down buttons will cause the value to change faster after several
seconds. Press the TC button again to move to the next zone. After the last zone is
selected, the display will return to normal operation. The TC button may also be used
to toggle between Up and Down timer operation. During normal display operation,
press and hold the TC button for about 4 seconds. Once zone 1 display blinks, release
the TC button to toggle the timer operation. To determine the timer direction, press
the Up button to determine if the timer is in the Up or Down direction. The simple
timer button operation supports display modes 1, 2, 10, 12, 13, 21, 22, 27, 46 and 48.
Setting Mode 13=1 will stop a countdown timer when 0 is reached. Setting Mode 32-
17=1 will cause a down timer to reverse direction at 0.
Scheduled Alarm Time Activation
0=deactivate scheduled alarms,
1=activate scheduled alarms (default).
Close Alarm Relay When Timer Started and/or Stopped
0=deactivate (default),
1=activate alarm when timer started,
2=activate alarm when timer stopped,
3=activate alarm when timer started and stopped
4=activate the alarm while the timer is running. Also, set Mode 32-10=0 (default)
This selection will cause the alarm relay to activate when the timer is started and/or
stopped The alarm will activate for a period determined by the alarm duration value
( Mode 5). See also Mode 37-9.
Dual Relay Output
Use Display Mode 75 for addressable LED signal lights. Set Mode 32-26=2 to
enable color change.
0=disabled (default)
1=enabled - Red/Yellow/Green light mode using two relays – also set Mode 43-1=2,
enable addressable LED signal light control
. Also, used to enable using internal
transistor array. This value also enables four channel relay output. If the four