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All parts (Fig. 1)
Binocular head
Eye relief control
Diopter setting
Microscope stand
Nosepiece with 4 objectives
Microscope table (mechanical desk with vernier scale)
Lengthwise knob
Cross knob
Condenser height adjustment
Coarse focusing wheel
Fine focusing wheel
Illumination – On/Off switch
Fuse, Immersion oil
Fixing screw for binocular head
up stop for microscope table
Power supply connection
1. General/Location:
Before you set up the microscope, you must choose a suitable
location. Firstly, you must make sure that your microscope is
on a stable and solid surface. For observations with the electric
illumination an electrical power outlet is required.
2. Eyepiece
For observation with this microscope, two eyepieces (1) are re-
quired. With the eyepiece and with a chosen objective lens, you
can choose the magnification of the microscope. The eyepiece
is inserted into the head from above.
Begin each observation with the lowest magni-
fication. So, the the centering and focussing of
the object to be viewed is easy.
3. Built in electric illumination
The microscope has a built-in electric illuminator. It works by
plugging the connection cable into the microscope and the
electricity supply. It can be switched on or off with the switch
(14) of the microscope. Use the dimmer (15) to change the in-
tensity of the light.
4. Adjust the interocular distance
The interocular distance varies from person to person. In or-
der to achieve a perfect interaction between your eyes and the
eyepieces, the eyepiece distance should be adjusted before
the first observation. Look through the eyepieces and adjust
the interocular distance control (3) until you reach a single,
round image. Keep the value on the scale in mind for a faster
adjustment the next time.
5. Observation
• You begin each observation with the lowest magnification
(eyepiece 10x and objective 4x). So that the object to be
viewed is centred and properly focussed.
• The higher the magnification the more light is required for
good picture quality.
• For applications with the 100x objective, it is recommended
that examinations are done only with oil immersion.
Begin with a simple observation.
Turn the nosepiece (6) onto the smallest magnification and
insert the 10x eyepieces. Now, place a prepared slide under
the objective on the microscope table (7). Move the prepara-
tion on the table with the two adjusting screws (8 and 9). Now,
look through the eyepieces (1) and turn the coarse adjustment
(12) carefully until the image becomes visible. The definition is
applied by the fine adjustment (13). Make sure that you never
overtighten the fine adjustment. If you don’t reach a sharp im-
age after the fine adjustment, you may adjust the diopter set-
ting (4) until it matches your eye. For this, turn the diopter set-
ting (4) to O, look through the eyepieces and close your left eye.
Focus the object for your right eye using the coarse and fine
focussing wheels (12 and 13). Now, close your right eye and
look only with the left eye through the left eyepiece. If the image
isn´t sharp, turn the diopter setting (4) to get a sharp image.
6. The microscope table
With the microscope table (7), you can look at your preparation
in a precise position and to the exact millimeter. The object is
placed between the clamps on the microscope table. Move the
object, with help of the axis-adjustments (8 and 9), directly un-
der the objective. With the built-in vernier at both axes you can
now specifically set and shift the object. Your sample can now
be viewed with different magni fi cations.
7. Changing the fuse (Fig. 2)
A fuse is built in for safety
reasons. Should it burn
through, replace it as be-
low: Pull the plug and lay
the instrument carefully on
its side. Carefully, undo the
”FUSE” screw (1). Use a
small screwdriver for the purpose and press the screw a little
in to undo it. Remove the old fuse and insert a new one of the
same type. Retighten screw and fuse again. The microscope is
now ready for use again.
8. Photography using the Researcher Trino
The trinocular head on the Researcher makes it possible to take
pictures using a mirror reflex camera or a Bresser MicrOcular.
The Researcher Trino was designed for use with
a Bresser MicrOcular. When using a SLR cam-
era the large picture area causes shadowing.
This worsens the greater the enlargement.
Using the Bresser MicrOcular:
The Bresser MicrOcular can be inserted in the extension tube
(A) of the trinocular head.
The head is so designed that the MicrOcular and the eyepieces
can yield a homofocal image. To do so first focus on the object
in the eyepieces. Then look at the camera’s live view. Undo the
counter-ring (B) on the extension tube. Turn the extension tube
to adjust camera eyepiece focus. Retighten it once focussed.
For optimal focussing use the 10x or 40x objective. Employ
a photo adaptor and a camera-specific T2 ring when using a
mirror reflex camera. After attaching the adaptor to the camera,
the combination is inserted in the extension tube (A).
You may not be able to focus correctly as the microscope table
cannot be raised sufficiently. Undo the table up stop (18) and
raise the table appropriately. When changing objectives lower
this table a little to prevent the objective touching the speci-
Fig. 2