This product can be washed via Thermo Disinfector.
Brasseler recommends heat sterilization by autoclave.
• Sterilization is required before using for the first time and after each patient as noted below.
Autoclave Procedure :
1) Scrub dirt and debris from the handpiece, and wipe clean with alcohol-immersed cotton swab or cloth.
Do not use a wire brush.
2) Lubricate with spray.
3) Insert into an autoclave pouch. Seal the pouch.
4) Autoclavable up to max. 135°C. ex.) Autoclave for 20 min. at 121°C, or 15 min. at 132°C.
5) Keep the handpiece in the autoclave pouch so it remains clean until you use it.
* Sterilization at 121°C for more than 15 minutes is recommended by EN ISO 17665-1
*Performing sterilization according to our instructions has minimal effect on the instruments. Life span is generally
determined by wear and damage due to use.
3. Cleaning and Sterilization