MANUAL P/N 900000015 REV 1.2
4.5.2 NTP Client Related
The NTP Client Related consists of six fields, a Query Interval and five NTP Server Address Pool
entries. The Query Interval is a number (in seconds) entered by the user. The Query Interval will
be invalid for the first 300 seconds because the NTP client will be sampling the time once every
second and adjusting the internal clocks in the NTP servers using the internal Proportional Integral
algorithm. After the first 300 seconds, the NTP client will begin repeatedly querying the server after
every query interval.
The NTP Server Address Pool allows the user to enter up to five NTP server addresses. The
system will read the five NTP server addresses and any non-zero address. The system will try to
connect to each address to get time synchronization. Then the system will calculate the average
time for all retrieved times to get a more accurate time reference.