MANUAL P/N 900000015 REV 1.2
4.2.1 Serial Output (TOD)
The Serial Output (TOD) consists of one field, the Format and four combo boxes, the Baud, Data
Bits, Stop Bits, and Parity. The Format refers to the format of the time outputted from the Network
Time Device when the serial port is being used. The Format Characters Table lists the characters
and descriptions used in the Format field. The Baud refers to the number of bits transmitted per
second. The Data Bits and Stop Bits follow RS232 standard. The Parity enables the user to check
the validity of the data by using either odd or even parity checking.
Format Characters Table
Carriage return (ASCII 13)
Day of the month
24 hour format
12 hour format
Shows locked, 1 = locked, 0 = not locked
%M Minutes
Number of the month
Full name of the month
3 character name of the month
3 digit day of the year starting at 0
3 digit day of the year starting at 1
Line feed (ASCII 10)
%S Seconds
Full day of the week
3 character day of the week
Any hexadecimal value (%X20 = ASCII space)
2 digit year (2004 = 04)
4 digit year (2004 = 2004)
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