Electromagnetic field effects, such as nuclear magnetic
resonance device
Electrosurgical devices
Concentration of non-functional hemoglobin, such as carboxyhemoglobin (COHb)
and methemoglobin (MetHb)
Presence of certain dyes, such as methylene blue and indigo rouge, inappropriate
placement of oxygen probe or incorrect use of oxygen probe
Shock, anemia, low temperature or application of vasoconstrictor drugs leads to
reduced pulse blood flow in the water that can not be measured
Chapter VII of temperature (TEMP) (optional)
7.1 Temperature Monitoring Operation Steps (Optional)
Oximeter temperature probe can be used to measure the body temperature
1. If you are using a disposable temperature probe, insert the cable’s right side
into socket and connect the other side with probe. For reusable temperature
probe, you can plug it directly into the socket.
2. The temperature probe firmly attached to the patient.
3. Connect the oximeter and temperature cable.