DOC: BOS0295
User Manual PD301 Play Detector
Torch Connectivity – Hardwired Torch
The hardwired torch is connected to the main control pedestal using a corrosive and lubricant
resistant, 6m high quality coiled cable. At rest, the cable measures 1.4m and approximately
6m at full stretch. This allows for extra flexibility when using the torch for underside
inspection of long wheelbase vehicles.
The cable is attached at the torch end by means of a 6.25mm lockable jack plug socket. The
socket is designed to unlatch at maximum pull to prevent damage to either the torch or
pedestal connectors. In the event of having to replace the cable, the connection can be
unplugged from the torch by simply pulling the connection from the torch body using
adequate force. To unplug the cable from the pedestal, pull back the latch, rotate the
connector anti-clockwise and remove.
The part numbers for the replacement items can be found at the rear of this manual.
See below.-