provided by Access Point. Clients that want to connect to the WLAN through the access point must set their SSID
to the same as that of Access Point. (Default:
; Range: 1-32 characters could be input).
4.3.5 Transmission rate (Mbits/s)
This option indicates the transmission rate of the AP Client.The Transmission rate is the rate at which the access
point transmits uni-cast packets on the wireless interface. The maximum transmission distance is affected by the
data rate. The lower the data rate, the longer the transmission distance. (Options: Best (automatic), 54 (108),
48( 96), 36 (72), 24 (48), 18 (36), 12 (24), 9 (18), 6 (12), 11, 5.5, 2, 1 Mbps; Default :
Best (automatic)
4.3.6 802.11 Mode
This setting controls the types of 802.11 wireless clients or stations that can connect to this AP. The wireless
mode allows the user to select whether this AP will connect to an 802.11b only network, an 820.11g only network,
an both 820.11b/g network on an 802.11a only network. The Default setting is
802.11a only.
4.3.7 Super Mode
Super mode is supported when the AP is using Atheros radio card. The normal 802.11a and 802.11g wireless
operation mode provides connections up to 54Mbps. Turbo mode is an enhanced mode (not regulated in IEEE
802.11a and 802.11g) that provides a higher data rate of up to 108Mbps. Enabling Turbo Mode allows the
wireless bridge to provide connections up to 108Mbps. (Default:
Super A/G with Dynamic Turbo