Viewing information
6 720 617 763 (2008/09)
Viewing information
Menu: INFO
This menu allows you to view a variety of system
Detailed instructions on navigating through the
menu structure are provided in Section 5.2 start-
ing on page 21.
INFO menu overview
The table below provides
an overview of the menu structure (column 1).
The menu level is indicated by different
shades of grey.
For example, the menus
are at the same level.
an overview of the various display options
(column 2).
descriptions of the individual information
items (column 3).
The menu options are only shown if
the system components are present
and/or active and if there is no re-
mote control access to them. Some
menu options are not shown be-
cause they are switched off by a set-
ting for another menu option.
INFO menu structure
Display (example)
– –
Outside temperature
10.0 °C
Current outside temperature.
Heating mode possible
Yes | No
Shows whether boiler is ready for operation.
Current CH flow temperature 55.0 °C
Current boiler flow temperature.
On | Off
Burner status.
Heating pump
On | Off
Status of pump in the boiler.
Maximum CH flow tempera-
75.0 °C
Maximum flow temperature set on the boiler.
Maximum domestic hot
water temperature
60.0 °C
Maximum domestic hot water temperature set on
the boiler.
Service required
Yes | No
Shows whether a boiler service/inspection is due.
Tab. 12