AHD-WNL Monitoring & Control with iPad
(2) Name of the logged in user and button for logging the user off.
(3) CPU load of AHD-WNL.
(4) System time. Date in month/day/year format.
(5) Alarms: HA (Highest Alarm State): Level of the highest current
alarm, e.g. pre-alarm, AC (Alarm Count): number of alarms, OU
(Optically Unquit Count): number of unacknowledged optical
alarms, AC (Acoustically Unquit Count): number of unacknowl-
edged acoustic alarms.
To reconnect AHD-WNL with the AHD 11/AHD-DPU 9, click the
“Reconnect” button.
To log the current user out of the administration page, click the
“Logout” button. The login screen will be displayed.
All pages contain buttons on the left for launching the individual
administration pages of AHD-WNL.
Home: start page
Export Valuedata: Export the data of logged channels
Export Events: Export logged events
User Management: This page is currently in the testing
AHD-WNL Settings: configuration of the connection to
AHD 11/AHD-DPU 9, the IP addresses of AHD-WNL
ports LAN1 and LAN2, and the option of deleting the
saved log.
8.4.3 Logging
AHD-WNL can economically log the data of accordingly configured
channels in a database. You can set the size for the storage space
of each captured mea
suring channel’s log in the databank. Once
this value has been reached, the stored data, beginning with the
oldest, are overwritten with the newest.