connect relay according to above picture correctly, you can send following SMS commands to stop car or restore the circuit:
Stop Car: 000000OPC1,1
Restore circuit: 000000OPC1,0
if you connect output2 to relay yellow wires, then you need to send 000000OPC2,1 command to stop car.
Please don’t use this feature while car/vehicle with high-speed driving, and we suggest connect relay with fuel control line in your
car, Bofan is not liable for any traffic accidents.
2. Connecting with alarm siren (optional)
If you want to speed alarm or geo-fence alarm trigger this siren to have locale alarm, please refer to “AN“ and “SAL” command in SMS
Command List. Or connect your sales
representative to help you program it.
For Analog Input
If you want to use this analog input sensor, please get the sensor minimum and maximum voltage and program it by AV command firstly,
then define AD on software or program AD Alarm by SMS command according to your needs.
Output 2