account (here in this example, tracker ID starts with fixed 115 on demo website), and total numbers (includes 115) should be
less than 10 digital.
Model: must choose the correct model number PT600
Please remember click “ Modify” button after you input information.
At now, please use your mobile to send below SMS commands and configure it to work with LiveGTS Software, after you do all below
setting, you can be back to LiveGTS software real-time to check your tracker online.
use your mobile to send following SMS commands to PT600X SIM card number to program it work on LiveGTS software, please
ensure to get tracker’s response for your command and then go on sending next command. PT600X will only reply command from a
user which uses the correct password. Commands with wrong Password will be ignored.
4.2.2 Set ID for PT600X
Command format : <password>GID<ID>
PT600X will reply with an SMS (SET OK, ID=1152011) to confirm this setting.
Please use the exactly full tracker ID (includes 115) you preset into tracking software LiveGTS in above step 4.2.1.
4.2.3 Set APN
Command: <password >APN<APN>, <User>, <Pass>
PT600X will reply with an SMS (SET OK, APN: CMNET, USER: PASS :) to confirm this setting (CMNET is China mobile’s APN, no
username & password in this example).
You can ask your GSM operator for your APN, username and password, it is used to report data from SIM card to server, if your
APN has no username and password, please input APN only.
4.2.4 Set server and port
Command: <password> SVR<domain>, <Port>
PT600X will reply with an SMS (SET OK, IP: DEMO.LIVEGTS.COM) to confirm this setting
The domain name in this command must be in capital, and “DEMO.LIVEGTS.COM” just is an example at here, please using your
domain name when you program your tracker to work on your tracking platform, PT600X’s port always is 8600.