6.2 Running belt and deck surface
Running Belt
The running belt supplied with each treadmill is of the highest quality, offering superior traction and low noise under extreme
conditions. It is therefore important to do the maintenance of each running belt periodically by observing that no cuts have
appeared over time, and that the running belt has not shifted to one side of the deck surface. If the running belt constantly tracks
(or moves) to one side of the deck, you must adjust the alignment bolts placed at the rear of the running belt (see BELT
ALIGNMENT for complete procedure).
Deck Surface
The running deck needs to remain free of any loose items that may become trapped between the running belt and the rollers.
Avoid dropping liquids on the deck as this may cause the liquid to gum up and collect at the rollers.
Under extreme conditions resulting in heavy wear and tear on the deck surface, it may be necessary to remove the deck and
turn it over, or turn it back-to-front to expose a fresh surface of wax. The deck is specially designed to offer four way reversible
sides for a longer life use of deck.
Please contact your local Bodyguard
dealer for servicing the deck.
6.3 Lubricant Application
1. Clean the running surface and the inside part of the belt with a dry piece of fabric. Clean the belt first by using a long piece
of fabric across the belt and start at the belt so it makes two complete turns. Then, release the tension on the rear roller to
be able to clean the deck surface of any debris.
2. Open the lubricant supplied by your dealer. Place the lubricant tube in the middle of the belt at about 15 inches (40 cm)
from the hood cover. Step on the treadmill and walk where the lubricant tube is located under the belt to make sure that
most of the lubricant is now spread evenly on the deck surface. DO NOT START THE TREADMILL YET.
3. Remove the LUBE TUBE from under the belt and put the tension back again on the rear roller. Stand where you applied
the lubricant and press JustGo
twice to get the belt turning at 0.5 MPH (or 0,8 Km/h). Let the belt bring you to the back
of the treadmill and come back to where you were standing. Do this three times so the lubricant will be present on the total
surface of the running surface and on the inside part of the belt. Start the treadmill and make sure the belt alignment is
proper by going to a speed of 1.24 miles an hour (2 km/h). Refer to the owner’s manual if any problem occurs.
6.4 Quick Troubleshooting
If you experience a problem during the normal operation of the T460X / T460XC / T320X, use the following troubleshooting table
below. If you are uncertain or unfamiliar with basic diagnostic maintenance procedures, contact your local Authorized
Dealer for diagnostics and/or repair of your T460X / T460XC / T320X.
Table 3
• Computer will not light up when
power is turned ON.
• Unit is not plugged in. – Plug unit in.
• Power cord. – Check that power cord is functional; replace if
• Circuit breaker. – Reset the breaker.
• Damaged motor circuit board. – Contact your Bodyguard
• The wires are not connected. – Remove the cover and connect
the wires properly.
• Belt does not turn.
• Magnetic key is not in place. – Insert the magnetic key.
• The belt is over tensioned. – Perform Belt Alignment.
• Elevation does not respond properly.
• It is not calibrated. – Perform Elevation Calibration.
• The wire is not connected on the motor drive – Connect the elevation wire
to the motor drive.
• Motor drive does not respond
• It is not calibrated. – Perform Motor Check.
• The wire is not connected to the motor drive. – Motor
wiring harness needs to be connected to the motor drive.
• Motor turns backwards.
• The wires are reversed on the motor drive. – Contact your
• Computer key(s) not responding to
touch, or sticking.
• Keypad may be damaged by liquid penetrating through the
seal. – Contact your Bodyguard