Muscles concerned
Pectoral Deltoids, Trapezoid, chests, triceps.
Adopt the above position palms flat on the platform pointing away from the body; keep your back straight and feet
flat on the floor. Using only your arms raise and lower your body adapt the rate of the exercise to suit your physical
condition. Pressure can be increased by repositioning your feet until you find the best position to suit you.
Work on the abdominal belt
Position your body as above make sure your knees are gripping the upright, lock your fingers behind your
head .You are now ready to perform basic pull-ups, do one pull-up and Hold back position when you have reached
an angle of 90 degrees between your stomach and your thighs.
Position your body as shown above. Keeping a straight line from your knees to your shoulders raise and lower your
body. This will give you a fantastic ABS BURN if done correctly.