e. The number of the month for the summer/winter time
change blinks. Modify with the [R] button.
f. Validate the month with the [S] button.
g. The third figure, corresponding to the day in the month for
the summer/winter time change, blinks.
If the date is not fixed :
- Modify the third figure, corresponding to the number of
the week in the month (from 1 to 5) with the [R] button.
Validate with [S].
- Modify the fourth figure, corresponding to the number
of the day in the week (from 1 to 7 : 1 Monday and 7
Sunday) with the [R] button. Validate with [S].
If the date is fixed :
- Select F for the third figure with the [R] button. Validate
with [S].
- Enter the number of the day in the month (from
1 to 31) with the [R] button. Validate with [S].
h. The hours of time difference blink. Modify with the [R]
button (from -11 h to +11 h). Validate with the [S] button.
j. The minutes blink. Modify with the [R] button (00 or 30).
Validate with the [S] button.
14. The time base correction value blinks (in steps of 50 ms).
Modify with the [R] button.
The time difference is taken
into account whatever synchronisation mode is used
(including radio).
15. Press the [S] button to validate the difference and to go on
to the choice of synchronisation temperature unit.
16. The temperature unit, either degrees Celsius «C» or
Fahrenheit «F», blinks. Modify with the [R] button.
The selection can causes a modification of the display of
the digits «6» and «9». If «Fahrenheit», the 6 and 9 will be
displayed in the American format.
17. Press the [S] button to validate the temperature unit and
select the exactness of the temperature (degrees, tenths of
a degree, 0,2° or 0,5°). Modify with the [R] button.
18. Press the [S] button to validate and move on to setting of
the correction to be made to the temperature reading.
19. The t flashes (t or - for a negative correction). Modify with
the [R] button.
20. Press the [S] button to validate and move on to setting of
the degrees of the temperature correction.