1. Preamble and general informa-
The various bed systems that are made by Hermann Bock GmbH
meet the special requirements for use in rehabilitation and the-
rapy establishments as well as for care at home. Thereby relia-
ble functionality and long-life-cylce are what characterize each
single bed model as particulary high quality. Provided, that the
bed is used in accordance with its purpose and serviced at regu-
lar intervals, the bed requires only a low level of maintenance.
Each healthcare bed manufactured by the company Hermann
Bock must pass a quality inspection and will be issued with a
quality certificate by the TÜV before it leaves the production
line. Hence, every healthcare bed meets the requirements of
the directive 93/42/ EWG for medical devices (Class I). The beds
have been manufactured and certified in accordance with the
applicable standards for beds used for medical purposes.
Since April 2013, the standard applying to the beds has changed
in line with the requirements of EN 60601-2- 52: 2010. The elec-
trical component parts are in conformity with the safety standard
EN 60601-1:2006 for medical devices.
The new standard distinguishes the beds between five different
areas of application:
1. Intensive care in hospital, Intensive care bed
2. Short-term care in hospital or another medical facility,
in-patient bed
3. Long-term care in medical environment, in-patient
care bed
4. Home care treatment, sheer home care bed
5. Home care nursing service
> Bock Top Advice
The specification of which
and how many componen-
ts have to be available for
the visual control, can be
extracted from the relative
user´s manual. Starting with
chapter 5.
* Bock Hazard Note
In order to avoid possible
damages and malfunction
during the assembly and
operation, the assembly and
operating instruction has to
be read completly.