Confirm with your IT technician that no firewall is blocking outgoing connections.
Possible cause #3:
You did not perform the appropriate port-forwarding rules on the modem.
The modem must be configured to forward incoming traffic to the device, otherwise
your connection attempts will never reach the device. Refer to
Section 6: IP
Networking Features
for further details.
3. (SERIAL) You cannot communicate with a device behind the modem
First, make sure the modem is configured to enable outside communication with the
attached device. Refer to the “Serial IP” section of the main guide for details. The
troubleshooting steps below assumes the modem is configured properly.
Possible cause #1:
The modem and the device are using different serial port settings.
Using BlueVue Device Manager, navigate to
CONF (Modem Configuration) > Serial
, and
change the serial port settings
to the same values as those of the serial
device. If the CTS and RTS pins are partially (or both) disabled, set the modem to use
no flow control (“none”).
Possible cause #2:
The cable wiring is incorrect.
Refer to Section 11.6 for details on the required cable type.
Possible cause #3:
The DTR signal is inconsistent.
A flickering DTR signal will interrupt communication with the modem. The modem can
be configured to ignore the changes in the DTR state. In BlueVue Device Manager,
navigate to
CONF (Modem Configuration) > Serial Port
, and check the option to
Ignore DTR